Friday, April 2, 2010


What inspires a chef to create a new recipe? What impels an explorer to venture faraway places? What makes a child ask so many questions? More often than not its curiosity or thirst for knowledge. Many of the people I met say I am curious. I am curious to know whether god exists or not, Want to know where does life come from? I like to make controversial arguments. At least once in a day before I go to bed, a que always arise in my mind!! Are legends born or made?? Perhaps there may not be a straight answer. But what inspired Columbus and Magellan to research about the shape of the Earth that this planet is not flat but spherical? How did the astronauts in those early days found that the Earth is hanging in empty space and is suspended upon nothing? What provoked the English physician William Harvey to discover the circulatory system in the human body? Seeing this people may feel I have an odd taste. But these people are always ready to discuss about things which are frivolous and unnecessary. For ex, what benefit is there in knowing all about the private life of movie stars or celebrities, in learning the statistics of every sports team and player, or in knowing all about the latest gadgets or the newest models of cars? For most people, being “expert” in these subjects does not lead to anything beneficial. I use to think talent can be taught, but day by day the older I get, the more I feel different. Sure, everyone is born with that creative portion in their brain, but like every other muscle in your body, if you don’t use it, you lose it. That’s why most of us have good imaginations when we’re little. Society has taught us not to use our imaginations—that it’s all “kid stuff.” A lot of us tend to listen to that. Ofcourse I do agree, very few of us have the circumstances to become world explorers or to make contributions to established sciences. I would happily and sincerely admit I’m never going to be a singer, a magician or a football player; I’m just not wired up like that nor have those unique talents. I also wouldn’t dream of telling my dentist or a skilled electrician or a great chef how to do their job, as I don’t have their experience and knowledge. I very well know what I am worth for.. But I feel it's never wrong to try to be happy. The world is so beautiful. Every artist can choose to see that beauty. The silence of nature is very real. It surrounds me . . . I can feel it. When I feel alone or unhappy I just go outside into parks. I look at the trees, the birds, the sounds of birds resounding in my ears, at the skies, at the clouds, at the stars… Yes, its true. Beauty lies in the eyes of the observer. A smile on my lips for no reason!! Happiness in my heart for no reason!! My happiness is like a red rose, that’s newly sprung in June. My happiness is like a melody that’s sweetly played in tune. Now I understood, everybody needs beauty as well as food, places to play in and pray in… Aren’t liberty, freedom, and democracy supposed to mean something and convey emotion? It’s been a very difficult road over the years without being taught “the right way”, but I have never had a lack of creativity - only many nights of frustration trying to figure out what is in my mind and how can I mould it? And perhaps I may never in an average life time come to understand everything that I would like to understand. But it’s true that I am struggling to redefine myself to cast off the ‘old me’ in the search of the new. May be this is the right time to get motivated towards my dreams. I am in my 23rd year and many feel this is not the right age to speak philosophy. Admitting the fact and planning to achieve my dreams isn’t philosophy!! I will keep trying and I am sure some day I may…..

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is YSReddy Murderd ?

The US News Site announced that Mr. Y S Rajasekara Reddy was murdered by reliance Management. Let me know the details please. Is that true?
In my opinion
he was punished for his pro-vatican italian sonia attitude and anti-hindooism acts like defaming Kanchi Mutt, Lord Balaji, using poverty to convert gullible andhra people to christianity, satyam-maytas scandal etc, etc. ; let all the nehru-congresswallas/UPA beware that Lord Ram denial acts etc will cost them dearly.
I would like to get comments from you. Thanks.